Promote your business with branded workwear

schedule15th Nov 17

Unless your brand is well recognised regionally, nationally or internationally how can you stand out from your competitors?  We have found that one of the most costs effective methods of making your mark is by wearing personalised workwear.

Increase Access to your Brand

Brand awareness can stem from a lot of places. Paid advertising, posts on social media, company vehicles and articles in mainstream media are but a few. But what if you are just starting out, or don’t have a marketing/PR company to help fly your company flag? Then one of the easiest, most cost-effective ways would be to implement a uniform policy. 

Whether you are a team of two, or a corporation of 1000, having everyone wear the corporate brand within their work clothing can have a strong impact on your workforce. Well thought through branded uniforms will lift morale, pride and determination amongst staff members, strengthening the company that they belong to.Whilst instilling a sense of pride amongst the workforce they will help you spread your branding, within both their physical and virtual worlds. It is not uncommon for employees to attach company websites to their social marketing profiles and to share company branding images and video feeds on their own personal feeds.


It stands to reason that if everyone is wearing the same uniform, a team spirit will develop. Everyone is equal and are part of the same group, in it together, and so will start acting as such.


Providing your staff with uniforms prevents wear and tear on their own clothes. When your team no longer have to spend their hard earned money on workwear you make them happier. 


There are some jobs where the health and safety element demands a uniform because it is a necessity to wear PPE. Wearing safety clothes, doesn’t mean that you have to forgo branding. Most nearly everything in the PPE / Health and Safety department at MyWorkwear can have your logo printed upon. 


A huge consideration for any company who requires a more professional look, whether you are a sole trader or a larger national or even international company. Perhaps you need Polo Shirts bearing your company’s name, or you’re going for a more corporate look with embroidered shirts? 

Whatever the style of uniform, it needs to be easily recognisable as belonging to your company which is a fantastic way of promoting your business, whilst instilling your company’s brand into the public consciousness.


Branding plays a huge role in any business, and, if done properly, will give you the edge over your competition. Consistent branding which runs through every aspect of your business, from your website, paperwork, uniforms, vehicles and everything in between will make you instantly recognisable to your customers. Your brand is not only reflected in the name and logo on the uniform, but also on the colours of the garments themselves. 

Uniforms can increase sales!

In 2011, Ashwini K. Poojary and MA student at the Sawyer Business School, Suffolk University, Boston, carried out a study to assess –

“Are Uniforms an Effective Marketing Tool’?

It was already a recognised fact, he said, that uniforms are an important component of hospitality establishments brand identity. He explains that enhancing the knowledge of customers about the brand through marketing initiatives helps companies develop a positive brand attitude in the customer. This, in turn, helps generate a positive response for influencing the purchase activity of the customer.

The results of his survey highlighted the impact uniforms have on customers.

  • 56.1% of respondents stated that uniforms are more effective than internet advertising.
  • 73.5% of respondents stated that uniforms are more effective than TV advertising.
  • 74.4% of respondents stated that uniforms are more effective than radio advertising.
  • 75.7% of respondents stated that uniforms are more effective than billboard advertising.
  • 55% of respondents stated that uniforms are more effective than the Yellow Pages.
  • 71.5% of respondents stated that uniforms are more effective than newspaper advertising.

From this research, we can conclude that before thinking about alternative forms of advertising for your company, introducing a uniform policy should be a priority. As shown above, they carry more weight as a branding tool than you may have previously thought.

Do you work for a company that provides corporate clothing?

Are you about to look for workwear?

Then please contact the expert team at MyWorkwear. We have been dressing the UK workforce since 1976 

01952 585881 [email protected]

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