Avoid weathered excuses - Winter workwear must haves

schedule11th Oct 17

Before you know it, winter will be here, and if there’s one season you need to prep your workforces winter workwear wardrobe for, this is it. With the chance of polar vortexes and disruptive snowstorms ahead, it’s essential to ensure your team is prepared whatever the weather.  Minimum essentials should include a warmer fleece jacket, a cozy beanie hat and maybe even gloves for your team to keep them warm and working hard.

For most businesses that are based outdoors or are exposed to the elements, they will provide their team with the standard PPE equipment and a coat.  Whilst fulfilling your minimum obligations is an option, you could be overlooking a trick.

Warmer teams are happier teams

When it becomes colder, the staff on the ground that are exposed to the elements more often will feel this the hardest.  

It’s a known fact that cold weather makes hands stiffer and most of the body’s heat is lost through the head.  That said if your team has depleted body heat because they’re dressed like their wardrobed sneezed on them before they walked out the door, what they have on might not be regulation wear and end up inhibiting their ability to do their job to the best of their ability.

So, it stands to reason then, that if a company kits the team out with the right workwear to stay warmer whilst being more functional you get more from them.

Form follows function

With the team dressed for the job they can focus on doing what they are paid to without the distraction of the temperature getting in the way.  

We have composed a list of ‘excuses’ your team may throw at you when the temperature drops so will their work ethic, so try these workwear additions to your uniform and solve the issue: 

“I can’t feel my fingers”

– Gloves/fingerless gloves both keep the hands temperature up. One option for using tech and one without the need to.

“I can’t think, it’s too cold”

– Beanie hats keep the heat in, making your staff much more responsive and focussed.

“My ears are frostbitten”

– Ear muffs, not for everyone but definitely keeps ears warmer and working better to action any important instructions.

“It’s so windy, I’m windswept”

– Scarf/Snood – Keeps your team cosy enough to forget the wind and even protect their face if needs be.

“Too cold to work”

– Hoodies/Fleeces, layering workwear is a great way to keep the team warmer and more inspired.

“ah I am sick today…it’s this weather!”

– Winter Jacket, probably the best way to give your team the warmth (and umph) they need to come to work in colder weather.

Whatever your team throws at you this winter, have an arsenal of workwear to answer any excuse ready at hand to make sure they are able to be happier whilst they work (whistling is optional).

Regardless of your business type, your team will always have their reservations about working in the cold.  It’s an innate human reaction we all hate the cold. Period.

Investing in a wider range of appropriate workwear can not only really help your team out but it can actually prove to be more profitable for you because they work faster and harder during the colder season and don’t grind to a halt which impacts your bottom line much more positively.

If you have a small, medium or a large team working outdoors or you simply want to make sure that they have the best attire to do the job as well as they can, check out MyWorkwear’s range of winter warmer products from thermals,  hats,  socksfleecesbody warmerscoats,  boots and so much more.

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